Referrals are welcomed here at Windsor Pet Dental. We offer extractions for canine and feline periodontal disease, fractured teeth, resorptive lesions and feline stomatitis (full mouth extractions including pre and post radiographs). We place esophagostomy tubes when warranted, take digital dental radiographs, provide root canal therapy of single rooted teeth, placement of crowns on single rooted teeth , treating base narrow canine teeth, orthodontics, vital pulpotomies, partial mandibulectomies and maxillectomies, tissue guided regeneration and more. If you have any dental related questions please feel free to contact us.
Routinely pets are sent home the same day except for feline stomatitis cases where we place an esophagostomy tube and keep the cat in our hospital overnight.
We can either set up a consultation with one of our doctors, and then set up another appointment for the dental procedure on a later date, or, as many clients choose to do, perform the consult in the morning with the doctor and do the procedure that same day. See our section, “Things to do in the Area”, for places clients can visit while we are working on their pet.
Our services are limited to dental procedures. Many of our dental cases are performed under anesthesia for multiple hours and we require blood work to be done prior to anesthesia. The blood work is to be done by the referring veterinarian. For younger pets a preanesthetic screen is sufficient, for older pets we need a 12 panel chemistry with electrolytes, CBC with differential, total T4 in feline patients that are 8 years or age and older. Please perform any other preanesthetic testing (for example, an echocardiogram) that may be indicated prior to the pet coming to our practice. We want to make the anesthesia as safe as possible. Also, please dispense a dose of cerenia ( or other anti nausea medication) for the owner to give the night before or morning of the dental appointment to minimize vomiting secondary to anesthetics used here.
Click on the link below for our Dental Referral Form
Dental Referral Form
Want to Send us an E-mail? Click the link below
Want to know how to tape in (or re-tape) in an Esophagostomy tube? We have a detailed PDF instructions on how to do this. We also have a YouTube video on how this can be performed.
PDF Link: How To Tape In An Esophagostomy Tube
YouTube Link: